Four reasons to hire me over the other 4,536             freelance copywriters out there.
   1) You deserve copy vetted by experience.
Copy that talks to guys about guy stuff,

that offers a solution to the problems men face every day:

career, family, looks, aging, sexuality, etc. 

With over 16 years of experience in nonprofit management, including 13 years at the American Red Cross, 

I understand the need for men's health and wellness inside and outside the workforce. 

What it takes to succeed, 

to adapt and evolve in a rapidly changing world.

From Boomers, to Gen X, to Millenials, and now Gen Z,

your product copy needs to be



and action-oriented in the crowded marketplace of ideas.

Acquiring knowledge is like air to me.  I need to consume it in order to live, to be happy.

My lifelong practices of research and writing led to a BA in Poly Sci, an MA in American Studies, and my career in copywriting. 

I write copy that speaks directly to your audience, that links their desires to your products and services. 

Words are my life.

I am a published author and poet. (

In my career, I have enjoyed creating and leading workshops for public speaking, resume writing, and puppet show school performances.

As a member of Toastmasters International, I became a proficient public speaker and appeared on television interviews with NBC, Univision, and KPBS.

My love for languages translates into writing clear copy that is easy to understand, which for you results in reaching larger audiences and higher sales.   

While I excel in the solitary act of writing and editing (lots and lots of editing), I enjoy working with others to help do good in the world. 

Give me a street chock full of small businesses and I am a happy camper.  That's where my heart lives. 

You will find that I am easy to work with and value the feedback to build your organization's success.
   2) I consume knowledge like its air.
   3) I am obsessed with words and how to use them.
   4) I enjoy working with people

"...Additionally, Ricardo was always responsive, receptive to feedback, and willing to go the extra mile to ensure our satisfaction. His commitment to meeting deadlines and maintaining open lines of communication made working with him an absolute pleasure. We recommend Ricardo to any organization seeking top-tier content writing services."     


Alan Fassonaki-Chief Operating Officer, Cedar Financial